¡Buen domingo a tod@s!
Hoy os voy a enseñar como preparar unos “Huevos revueltos a la ucraniana”. Bueno el nombre es un poco libre, ya que los podría haber llamado Huevos revueltos a la Yuliya o cualquier otra cosa. La cuestión es que este tipo de tipo de huevos, mi abuelo le hacia a mi madre cuando ella era pequeña y ella me enseño la receta. No hay ninguna novedad en la receta, pero quería compartirla porque es el plato perfecto para una comida ligera cuando en la calle hace casi 40º C.
Ingredientes (para 2 personas):
6 o 7 huevos
1 cebolla
4 lonchas de beicon ahumado
3 tomates medianos (pelados)
Sal y pimienta.
Primero de todo cortamos todos los ingredientes. Freímos la cebolla hasta que se dore.
Añadimos el beicon.
Cuando este un poco crujiente añadimos los tomates y dejamos que se vaya pochando hasta que los tomates estén medio hechos y añadimos los huevos. Yo los he batido un poco.
Los dejáis hacerse a fuego lento, removiendo de vez en cuanto. Cuando los huevos estén casi hechos añadimos el eneldo. Esta hierba aromática se utiliza muchísimo en Ucrania, visualmente es muy parecida a hinojo, pero el sabor es muy distinto. Sinceramente no se puede describir. Lo que os aconsejo es probarlo.
Good Sunday to everyone!
Today I'll show you how to prepare a "Ukrainian Scrambled Eggs". Well the name is a bit off, and I could have called it the Yuliya Scrambled eggs or anything else. The point is that my grandfather used to make it fot my mother when she was young and she taught me the recipe. There is nothing new in the recipe, but I wanted to share it because it's the perfect dish for a light meal when on the street is almost 40 º C.
Ingredients (for 2 people):
6 or 7 eggs
1 onion
4 slices of smoked bacon
3 medium tomatoes (peeled)
Salt and pepper
Today I'll show you how to prepare a "Ukrainian Scrambled Eggs". Well the name is a bit off, and I could have called it the Yuliya Scrambled eggs or anything else. The point is that my grandfather used to make it fot my mother when she was young and she taught me the recipe. There is nothing new in the recipe, but I wanted to share it because it's the perfect dish for a light meal when on the street is almost 40 º C.
Ingredients (for 2 people):
6 or 7 eggs
1 onion
4 slices of smoked bacon
3 medium tomatoes (peeled)
Salt and pepper
First of all cut all ingredients. Fry the onion until golden. Add the bacon. When the bacon gets a little crispy add the tomatoes and let it cook until the tomatoes are half done and add the eggs. Be left to simmer, stirring from time to time. When the eggs are almost done, add the dill. This aromatic herb is used a lot in Ukraine, is visually very similar to fennel, but the taste is very different. I honestly can not describe it. So the only thing I can advise is to taste it.
First of all cut all ingredients. Fry the onion until golden. Add the bacon. When the bacon gets a little crispy add the tomatoes and let it cook until the tomatoes are half done and add the eggs. Be left to simmer, stirring from time to time. When the eggs are almost done, add the dill. This aromatic herb is used a lot in Ukraine, is visually very similar to fennel, but the taste is very different. I honestly can not describe it. So the only thing I can advise is to taste it.
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